• Services

    Thorburn Home Inspections offers a detailed and comprehensive home inspection.

    We start at the roof and evaluate not only the roof surface, but also the chimney, the ventilation system, the electrical service entrance and the plumbing stacks.

    Our next step is to inspect the exterior of the home. We use a macro and micro approach to look at both the big picture and all the details.

    I then move inside the house, and starting at the top, work my way down through the home into the basement. While inside, I address such things as the structure, the heating and cooling systems, the electrical and plumbing systems, the interior finishes, the insulation, ventilation and accessories such as fireplaces. I also check for gas leaks, carbon monoxide and air quality.

    Our evaluation is then communicated through a detailed inspection report, which includes descriptions of all the systems in the home, as well as any recommended improvements. This will help you prioritize the improvements and develop a blueprint for your future in the home.

     At Thorburn Home Inspections, it is my mission to point out the major issues (if any). It is not my goal to not nitpick with the tiny day to day things that come with home ownership! Rather give confidence to one more step in the process of a good decision.

    Best of all, our services don't end with the inspection. For as long as you own the home, you can call with any additional questions — at no extra charge!

  • Need More Infomation?

    Call us today at 780-233-6917  or email at inspectorstacey@gmail.com.
    You can also request your inspection online:

    Book your Inspection